Sunday, February 11, 2007

My day off....

My DH seems to think that after working Mon - Fri I get 2 whole days off. This is what I did on my days off....
cleaned 3 bedrooms
cleaned 3 bathrooms
swept and washed the floors throughout main floor
did almost all the laundry (hey I'm not super woman)
went grocery shopping (not to mention brought all the food in the house and put it away)
made dinner both nights, did dishes too
bought hubby a valentine gift
did I mention I did all the above while watching 2 kids under the age of 4, 1 whom still wears diapers and naps.
And my DH think I get 2 days off...
so what do you do on your days off??????
I have no pictures posted because I have no scanner and my digital does not seem to want to take good pictures, once I figure it I will post my creations. Spread the word, blog candy will happen at some point. Maybe once I hit 100 viewers. :-)